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Molly's monologue

With the special presence of Franca Solfrini, professional editing and rendering of Manuel Ricci, we are proud to present Molly Bloom’s monologue from the final part of Ulysses. 

The final monologue of Molly Bloom,  taken from Ulysses, the most famous novel of James Joyce, represents the very long conclusion of the novel. The Ulysses narrates  the  adventures of Leopold Bloom, of his wife Molly and of a young artist, whom he met during his journey across Dublin, Stephen Daedalus. These characters represent Joyce’s modern re-elaboration of the myth of Ulysses, transforming the main characters (Ulysses, Penelope and Telemachus) in emblems of the human alienation lived by men in the 20th century.
This project was born thanks to the school  trip to Dublin, birthplace of Joyce and setting of the novel, organized by Mrs Solfrini in July 2015. 
We wish to thank all the people who took part in the organization of the entire project. A special thanks goes to Franca Solfrini, Manuel Ricci and all the students. 
Virginia Raffaeli 

Categoria: ProgettiData di pubblicazione: 31/05/2016
Sottocategoria: AltriData ultima modifica: 01/06/2016 10:41:45
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